Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Review

This Sunday was an AMAZING day of ministry for me. Sure, our numbers were down. Sure, we had a few volunteers call in sick last minute. Sure, my poor (and by that I mean wonderful and amazing) husband got roped into doing check-in at our largest service. Yet God worked, and it was awesome.

1) I had an awesome conversation with a mom. I was telling her about our new Wednesday night program, and how all of her kids could come (we opened it up birth - 5th grade), and she was telling me how much she loved my ministry and how her kids were GETTING IT! Her 3 year old told her a few weeks ago how much Jesus loved mommy and *child's name*. Her son, is asking questions and wanting to read his bible. He has been going to a Christian school his whole life, but it wasn't until they started coming to our church that these things started to happen. I LIVE for comments like this. It means that my kids are getting it, and that parents are valuing the learning that happens here. LOVE IT!

2) Last Sunday I had a first timer come with a very cautious mother. She asked if a particular girl was here (whom I had never heard of), I said no, and that made her even more nervous. She left her daughter, who had a great time, and at the end of the service told her mom that she wanted to come back next week. This Sunday, she did, and brought a friend! I was so excited. She loved church so much that she brought a friend with her. Neither of these girls have EVER been to a church before. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share Jesus with them!

3) It looks like we FINALLY have a guy for our 11 am 4th and 5th graders. We have been praying for two months that God would bring us a younger "cool" guy that our 4th and 5th grade boys could look up to, play with and listen to. Our prayers were answered by a very godly college student! He tried it out on Sunday and LOVED it! I'm so excited to have a guy in with those boys to help show them how to follow Jesus.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Being a Children's Pastor is the Best Job EVER!

This is me from last Summer Blast. I volunteered to be slimed if the kids could raise $1,000 for the local rescue mission. The kids came really close, and we asked the parents to help out on the last night. (A special thanks to my dad, who I think pushed us over the edge). I love doing crazy things to help motivate the kids. It is my prayer that my external motivations for them will turn into internal motivations. That I don't allow all of the external stuff to get in the way of what God is doing for their heart. They provided 500 meals for homeless in their community, but most of them just remember me being slimed. I pray that we are able to help kids open their hearts up to those around them, and that we would be able to to help them have the intrinsic motivation they need. I am so excited for planing for this coming Summer, I can't wait for the kids to see what we have in store!